Shahram Mokri

Markus Raetz (2007)
Iwan Schumacher
The Swiss artist Markus Raetz is an established figure in the international art world. For the film by Iwan Schumacher, the artist from Bern is for the first time giving a camera team an insight into his 40 years of work.
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«Raetz is one of my favorite artists and now in this movie for the first time, I can hear and see the mystery of his work. This is wonderful.»
«A film that can move well in the space between the arts and show a unique experience. Where the border between the arts is not separated.»
«The filmmaker's courage in pursuing six different lives is commendable, as you gradually find common ground between the stories and see your own life between them.»
Matlosa (1981)
Villi Hermann
Alfredo seems to lead the life of so many Ticinese families born in the valleys, who now only go back to their native village for the weekend. But Alfredo doesn’t longer experiences the journey as a form of escapism, but as an obsessive rite which is repeated over and over again. Alfredo has lost his own identity.
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«This movie touched my heart. I did not need any excuse to follow and enjoy it. A story forever and for all people.»